Local favorite sees smokin’ hot revenue from online ordering and marketing offers

Client spotlight:
Woody's Q Shack logo and Popmenu client.

Woody’s Q Shack partners with Popmenu Boost to increase revenue, expand marketing efforts, and drive business year-round.

Catering-business-turned-BBQ-restaurant Woody’s Q Shack is beloved in the town of Alamosa, Colorado. A hotspot during the warmer months, the owner saw an opportunity to grow the business during the wintertime when the tourist season slows down. They turned to Popmenu to both improve winter sales and find new, innovative ways to market the restaurant to tourists and locals alike.

Woody’s Q Shack teamed up with Popmenu Boost, a people-powered marketing service, to craft a tailored content strategy that aligns with their goals. The BBQ joint quickly realized that having a dedicated marketing consultant, well-versed in the Popmenu platform and deeply familiar with the restaurant business, would give them a competitive edge.

Collaborating with their Boost partners, Woody’s Q Shack immediately implemented Automated Emails—an included feature that automatically sends messages to guests based on their interactions with the restaurant. The best part? The restaurant can attach rewards like a complimentary birthday meal or a loyalty discount. As a result, the restaurant has generated $3,900 in online ordering revenue solely from offers attached to these emails.

Woody's Q Shack can tie it's marketing activities to online ordering revenue because it uses Popmenu's direct online ordering solution. Hosting online ordering directly from the restaurant's website not only creates a better experience for guests, it also gives them full ownership of their online revenue. In 2023, online ordering has garnered an impressive $52,000 in sales—an 84% increase over their ordering revenue in 2022.

“People want simplicity and convenience in their lives. With [Popmenu’s] online ordering, customers can see pictures and descriptions of the food, place the order, then walk into our restaurant to see the food waiting for them with their name on it, and walk back out—it’s simplicity and convenience defined. I honestly don’t know why any restaurant wouldn’t be [using online ordering] at this time.”

In addition to increasing their revenue, Woody’s Q has gained insights into their restaurant that helps them evolve as a business to better serve their customers. With Performance & Insights from Popmenu, they can track the ebb and flow of website traffic and zero in on menu top sellers versus slow-moving items. Having this data at their fingertips empowers the restaurant to make informed decisions about which days of the week to ramp up marketing efforts and which menu items to spotlight due to customer demand. It provides them with a blueprint for when to dial up and down their marketing, allowing them to be more strategic in their communications with guests. Since launching with Popmenu, the restaurant has earned over $22.4k in online ordering revenue from their data-driven marketing strategy.

By partnering with Popmenu, Woody’s Q Shack enjoys the added benefit of having all these tools available in one platform. Not having to log in and out of multiple systems saves staff time and creates a more efficient process. At the end of the day, the restaurant’s use of Popmenu plays a pivotal role in helping them not only meet but exceed their goals, putting them in an excellent position to see a bustling winter season.

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