SEO for Restaurants: An operator’s guide to free website traffic

What is SEO for restaurants and why should you care?
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a complicated topic and is often oversimplified as the act of getting your website to the top listing on Google—but, that's not the full story. More accurately, SEO is a collection of best practices that increase the likelihood that your website shows up when hungry guests search for "restaurants near me" or "best pizza in Chicago." SEO is an ongoing process with many moving parts. This guide will focus on the most important steps you can take to optimize your website and make it easy for guests for find you.
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Does SEO really matter for restaurants?
Higher search engine rankings ultimately translate to more sales for your business. With technology playing such a foundational role in our day-to-day lives, everyone's attention is limited—including your guests'. Every opportunity you have to get in front of a user (earn an impression) is invaluable for your business. The more people see your restaurant, the better your odds of converting those impressions into orders, and the more opportunities you have to turn first-time visitors into lifelong fans.
Of course, there are several ways to generate impressions for your restaurant, including social media, paid advertising, and influencer deals, but SEO is so powerful because:
It’s free.
It easily provides the largest audience for your business.
Again, it’s free.

Let’s dig a little deeper into some of the fundamentals every restaurant should know to improve their search rankings.
How can your restaurant’s website sit at or near the top of search rankings?
There’s no guaranteed way to land your restaurant the #1 spot on Google—anyone promising otherwise isn’t being honest. Search results are influenced by countless factors, and quick fixes rarely work long-term. Instead, restaurants should use ongoing best practices that steadily improve visibility and drive more traffic over time. In fact, Google has been known to penalize websites that take advantage of exploits.
Is your restaurant set up for SEO success?
Your website should be working for you, not against you. Our Restaurant SEO Checklist makes it easy to ensure your site has all the right features and that your team is taking the most effective steps—every week and every month—to drive more traffic and boost your rankings. With this checklist, you can:
Check off essential SEO features your website provider should offer.
Track ongoing tasks to keep your restaurant climbing in search results.