Neighborhood Brasserie turns to technology to thrive through challenges
Part of the Tableseide Restaurant Group, Libby’s Neighborhood Brasserie is a locally-owned and operated concept with two locations in Sarasota and Lakewood Ranch, Florida. Known for its delicious menu and local-inspired ambiance, Libby’s has been a neighborhood favorite for over a decade.
Libby’s joined forces with Popmenu in 2019, immediately recognizing the benefit of a dynamic, interactive menu that helps drive more visitors to the website and improves the guest experience with the restaurant online. Less than a year later, Libby’s would lean further into technology investment as the COVID-19 pandemic forced them into unknown service territory: online ordering. Popmenu quickly created a direct ordering system to support restaurants like Libby’s—linking the existing dynamic menu and marketing tools directly to online ordering. Libby’s now had a full online solution that streamlined and simplified the guest experience from the moment they landed on the website through post-order communication.

Since then, Libby’s has maintained online ordering as an additional revenue stream, bringing in over $500k in the last two years just in online orders. The restaurant continues to partner with Popmenu to grow the business and work toward marketing goals targeting guest engagement and loyalty.
“We use the included email tool to stay top-of-mind. We remind our followers they can order online and direct them to an action—placing an order or making a reservation—with direct links to our menu, online ordering, and reservations right on the emails. We’ve also been using text message marketing to let them know about offers and get in front of them more immediately.”
Libby’s efforts around guest engagement are not lost on their 17k+ follower base (7.2k followers gained through Popmenu) with more than 1,300 reviews and 1,255 dish likes on menu items. More great news? Libby’s has also proven successful in driving orders and revenue with offers sent via email. In fact, Libby's has generated over $23k in revenue from a recurring email offer linking guests directly to the menu. And, with an all-time average email open and click rate of 36% and 2.7% (industry average open and click rates: 19.7% and 1.3%), its safe to say Libby's communication efforts successfully capture guest attention and drive order behavior.
Going into its third year with Popmenu, Libby’s knows the value and impact of restaurant technology in navigating continued industry challenges to emerge successful.
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