Restaurant Marketing

The secret recipe to growing your restaurant followers

Discover the secret ingredients to amplifying your restaurant's social media presence. Learn how strategic engagement, leveraging story features, and harnessing technology can boost your restaurant followers.

Building a strong social media presence is not just about crafting the perfect post, hitting publish, and walking away. It's a lot more than that! These days, the algorithm on social platforms is far more complex. As a matter of fact, your level of engagement on the platform and your interactions with others play a significant role in your social media success. Read on to learn how engaging effectively on social media can help you build a robust follower base that’ll actually turn into real guests at your restaurant.

Strategic Engagement

Let's dive into a little-known secret of social media - the platforms' main goal is to keep users scrolling for as long as possible. So, what does this mean for your restaurant's social media account? Quite simply, the more you build community on the app, the more the algorithm rewards you.

Now, we know a business owner like you doesn’t have a lot of time to spend scrolling the app to please the almighty algorithm. Don’t worry, we’re going to show some ways that you can make this as efficient as possible and still rake in the followers.

Tell the Algorithm Who You Want to Reach

There are several factors that go into deciding who sees your content, one of the most important being your own account’s activity (according to Instagram). How active your account is and the type of content you interact with matter significantly. This activity helps the algorithm classify your account and predict who may enjoy your posts.

So, who should your restaurant engage with? Start with local foodie accounts and other restaurants in your area. But most importantly, interact with your audience. Reply to their comments and direct messages to nurture your digital community. This not only builds a stronger relationship with them but also shows the algorithm that you are “friends”, making it more likely for your content to appear on their feed.

Engagement in Action

It’s really important that you are active on the app in more ways than just posting. This can include replying to comments and DMs, commenting on likeminded accounts’ posts, etc. Your audience quite literally wants to hear from you! In fact, 25% of consumers said that a restaurant's social media activity is one of the top reasons they choose to dine there, according to a Popmenu survey. Although it can be tough to make time for active engagement, incorporating it in one’s daily habits can make a huge difference.  

Pro Tip! Set specific times to engage for 15 minutes, two to three times a day.  

Remember, social media is more than a broadcasting platform; it's a community builder. And as a restaurant, building a community around your brand is a recipe for success.

Challenge: Go to your most recent Instagram post and reply to all the comments.

The Secret Ingredient: Story Features

Instagram Stories (and similar features on other apps) present an incredible opportunity to connect with your audience on a deeper level. Unlike regular feed posts that require your audience to scroll and find, Instagram Stories are strategically positioned at the top of the homepage, making it the first thing your followers see when they open the app (According to Sprout Social).

The beauty of Instagram Stories lies in their casual and intimate feel, which humanizes your brand and builds a stronger connection with your audience. Not only are they an excellent tool for showcasing the behind-the-scenes of your restaurant, but they also allow for a higher degree of interaction. In fact, 50% of Instagram users surveyed said they have visited a website to make a purchase after seeing it in Stories.

Additionally, Instagram Stories offer various engagement-boosting stickers like polls, questions, and emoji reaction sliders. These interactive features encourage your audience to actively participate and engage with your content, ultimately strengthening their relationship with your brand.

Pro Tip! Leverage the countdown stickers to build hype around your on-site events. Your followers can set a reminder for the event start and even repost the countdown on their own Stories, further spreading the word about your event.

Overall, stories are a powerful tool to take your social engagement to the next level and keep your audience informed. In fact, a Popmenu survey found that 65% of guests want to receive special offers/news from restaurants at least once a week. Stories are the ideal place to remind your audience of weekly specials and upcoming events without crowding up your feed.  

Challenge: Post 1 story today using an engagement sticker.

Accelerate Community Growth with Tech

Harnessing the power of technology can greatly streamline your social media growth, freeing up valuable time. According to a Popmenu Survey, 1 in 3 say automating online functions increased their brand visibility. With the right tools, you can automate posts and respond to messages promptly, all without the constant need to be online. It's about working smarter, not harder, am I right?  

You can set auto-responses to handle common queries on several social platforms, including Instagram. This feature allows you to provide pre-written responses to frequently asked questions, all tailored to your brand's voice. Adopting this strategy not only saves time but also enhances your audience's experience with your brand. Check out this Meta article to learn how to set these up.

In today's world, users expect quick response times on social media. Custom auto-response DMs help you meet these expectations without compromising the quality of engagement. It's all about fostering a community while ensuring your audience feels heard and appreciated.

Another crucial component in your digital marketing toolbox is a social media scheduler, like Popmenu. Resources like these allow you to maintain consistent posting without the time-consuming manual effort. This ensures a steady online presence and frees up your time for active engagement.  

Don’t Grow it Alone

Remember, you don't have to navigate the world of social media alone. Our Boost Team at Popmenu is here to guide you every step of the way. We've got a wealth of proven strategies at our disposal to help you effectively engage and build your online community. We're ready to help you transform your social media presence and take your restaurant to new heights. Let's get started!

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