$100 off your first month with Popmenu

90% of your web traffic goes straight to your menu—so give guests what they're looking for. Delicious photos, reviews, and recommendations from previous guests, plus the opportunity to share dishes or order directly from your menu. As a listener of the Restaurant Rockstars podcast, you'll receive $100 off your first month of Popmenu!

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Popmenu handles your restaurant's online presence

A magnet

The simple questions that keep your phone line tied up can now be handled without pulling a staff member from your in-person hospitality. No more missed reservations, asking for your hours or missed revenue.

A magnet

One platform, one login, one price that never changes

A magnet

Easy-to-use technology made for restaurant owners

A magnet

Convert website visitors into online orders


We don’t have a budget to pay for advertising, so we make good use of all the included Popmenu messaging and marketing. We look at what people say on the menu, and then we’ll directly email them and say ‘Hey, we know you love the birria taco, here’s a 10% discount for you to come try it again—or maybe try something else!’

How Technology Can Help With the Restaurant Labor Shortage

The restaurant labor shortage shows no sign of ending. How can restaurants survive in the meantime? By using the right technology tools.

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As seen in

Nation's Restaurant News Logo

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How does Popmenu work?

Popmenu helps restaurant owners consolidate a number of tools and logins to improve their margins. The platform allows restaurants to build an online presence and attract, engage, transact, and re-market to their guests in one single tool.

I already use a mix of different products and services for different parts of my marketing. Why should I switch to Popmenu?

Managing multiple tools, logins, contractors, and support contacts can be a full-time job in itself. Popmenu gives you an opportunity to simplify your operation without sacrificing impact.

We have a difficult time reaching our customers. How can you help us?

We all know Google is the number one search engine. That's why every Popmenu website is built with a structure that enhances SEO and uses your number one marketing tool, your menu, to improve your search position and attract more people to your restaurant. Then you can utilize the re-marketing tools in Popmenu to invite them back again, and again, and again.

My restaurant's menu is already online in PDF format. How can you help me update this?

By selecting our Popmenu Pro package, our onboarding team will help gather what you already have created and transition that to our interactive menu. You'll be on your way to attracting more guests before you know it!